Sunday 26 October 2008

This Just In

Why am I so good at making douchebag friends? 

Tuesday 21 October 2008

World Traveller

As it turns out, my dad is going to Indonesia next week, for a week. Of course, he hired a housesitter, so I can't have any parties there, but hey, what can you do, eh? He's going with his Medical Group, because apparently, the Indonesian government is tired of their nationals coming to America for surgery and such, as it loses them money. So, the Indonesian government is having the partners fly to Jakarta for a week to meet with prospective and past patients, maybe do a little treatment while they're there, and help them start to set up a new hospital. The Yudhoyono government, apparently, wants to build a state-of-the-art hospital in Jakarta, to keep their people from leaving the country to seek medical care, and the upside of this is that they want each of the partners of the group to come to Indonesia a few times a year for a week or two and treat patients. While normally, one might think it odd to travel 22 hours to treat patients when there are plenty here in the States, you must remember that these Indonesians are richer than God, and pay in cash. CASH. This being the operative term in the equation. 

Of course, my father being the LOVER of world culture that he is, has been on me for the last week about information on Indonesia. This is his first excursion to a Muslim country, and my father is no fan of the Muslims, so it should be an interesting experience for him. Granted, the elite with whom he will be interacting are hardly extremists, there will be a certain culture shock, to be sure. He needs to keep his wife in check, that's for sure. Sadly, he won't be able to see Borobudur or Prambanan, or any of the other archaeological wonders of Java, but he will get to see Jakarta, which should be eye-opening, to say the least. Keep in mind that this is only a preliminary expedition, however, which will hopefully open the door to much bigger and better things. He may even get to take his children with him on one of the trips.

Regardless of travel opportunities, the greatest benefit of this deal coming through is the money. If this thing happens, Dad will be going to Indonesia two to four times a year, for a week or so, and be making 500k in CASH for each visit. All expenses paid. FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. That, in addition to the work he does here, will hopefully get him off my ass about getting a job, and maybe raise my allowance. That would be wonderful. Just peachy.

Ugh. Tired. 

More later,


Tuesday 14 October 2008

My Kryptonite

I just realized why I so rarely get along with my Dad and my sister! A revelation worthy of St. John, I would say. After a night out for my Dad's birthday weekend, it hit me: My Dad is the grownup version of every Fratty Douchebag I know in college. He's a perpetual teenager, with all of the demanding, petulant behavior that entails. Even though he's a parent of three (so far) he's never really grown up (which might explain his wife), but somehow still manages to be a fogey. Not a fogey in the way I'm a fogey, which I think is kind of endearing and refreshing, but in that , evil, selfish, crotchety way. He's only 47, mind you. He's that enduring popular guy. He was a fratty douche in college, and that must have been where it all started. He's got this complex, that no matter what is going on, his way is the way it should be, and if you disagree or dissent, he'll either drown you out or gang up with someone else to shut you up. That's where my sister comes in. She's great. I love her to death, but GOD is she a Royal Bitch. When she and Dad get going, it's a trainwreck from Hell. As usual, the thing that tipped it off on Saturday was music. Dad got shitfaced, along with his [expletive deleted] wife, and I was made to drive home, being the only non-lush in the family. I changed up the radio, because I didn't like what was on, and it ended up on some XM station, which happened to be playing a Techno/Trance remix of an Ensemble Hüseyin Türkmenler song. I happen to like said song, remix or no. I was enjoying myself. Dad and my Sister then proceed to attack the music. 

"What is this shit?"
"It's my BIRTHDAY! We listen to what I want!"
"Seriously! This sucks. Change it!"

When I kindly responded that I was driving, and the song was almost over, and it wouldn't kill them to finish it, they both got irate, and my sister attacked the dials.* I kindly tell them all where they can shove their closedmindedness, but leave it at that. I didn't want to start a fight.

They also get like that with food. I want to make rabbit, and I need Dad's kitchen to do it, but they, as a family, won't let me, because it's "gross" and they don't want it in their house. Bunch of fucking Douches.

So yeah. That was my weekend. Woohoo.

When MY birthday weekend rolls along, I'm making it a rule that NO ONE gets to drink. Stepmother can't hold her liquor, and anytime she's in her cups, she picks a fight with my dad, who, of course, in his childish idiocy, eggs her on. That's love, for ya.

Lights Out,


* This behavior has, in the past, gotten her socked in her fucking face.

Monday 6 October 2008

So. I didn't go to class today. I don't really know why, I just didn't feel like it. Normally, that would upset me, but I've been good about attendance so far, and I didn't have any assignments due or quizzes today, so it's not the end of the world. I got to catch up on some revision, which was good. This weekend was actually super fun, much to my surprise. Friday night, my friend Max had a party at his place downtown, and I got to meet some new people, have some fun, drink some water. Then Savannah came (!!!) and after that, a bunch of us went to The Pantry, which is an amazing restaurant, and I missed it terribly. Those ham steaks are off the chain. The on Saturday, MMT and Maureen had their housewarming, and even though I didn't know most of the people there, I enjoyed myself immensely. I almost fought a bitch, but I kept my composure. On an upside, I wasn't pressured into drinking vast quantities, which is nice. A good change. 

More Later,


Sunday 5 October 2008

This and That

Blargh. Midterm on Friday. I think it went well. Only time will tell. I'll be getting back that ten page paper I wrote last week on Tuesday. I don't know why I wrote so much. 

On a lighter note, I started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which, as it turns out, is really funny. Comedy Gold.

More Later,
