Thursday 10 April 2008

Things Go Up, Things Go Down

So. I've just finished watching There Will Be Blood and, to be quite frank, I'm not all that sure I liked it. More than anything else, this movie had the unnerving effect of making me extremely uneasy throughout the viewing.

And don't get me wrong, Daniel Day-Lewis is, in my estimation, one of the best screen actors of our generation, but there was just something about the film, something that put me so entirely on edge that I was almost unable to finish watching it. Normally, I am all about period films, and the movie itself was quite beautiful, in its own gritty, oil-stained way. Somehow, I dunno. It weirded me out, in so many words.

The whole subplot with the deaf son-who-isn't-a-son, while it was apparent from the beginning, was still pretty interesting, in the grander scheme of the film. The Paul/Eli thing also threw me for a loop. Was Paul the same person as Eli? Was that one man a complete psychopath? Or were they a pair of identical twins? Wikipedia and IMDB are rather inconclusive on this. They make it seem as though they are two separate characters, but where did Paul go? Why did Eli completely subsume the part? Even at the end, when Plainview attacks Eli in the bowling alley, he talks about Paul being a successful driller, but is he, in fact, just making up stories to drive him mad, or is there indeed another brother offscreen?

And all I have to say about the closing music is WHAT?

It's too late to think anymore. Hasta luego,


Tuesday 8 April 2008

New Beginnings.

So. New blog. 

I've grown somewhat disenchanted with LiveJournal, so I'm making the switch to Blogger. We'll see how it goes.

This will hopefully present itself as a better forum for me to explore and decipher much of what perplexes me in this terribly, terribly topsy-turvy world we live in. I'm as of yet unsure what I'll write. Probably a little bit of everything. The focus will not doubt jump from Culinary, to Sartorial, to Political, to Historical, to God-only-knows what else. But I like that. That's how my mind works, so my blog might as well follow the pattern. 

I suppose, in the off chance that someone I don't know starts to read this blog, and introduction is in order:

I am 21. I am (sort of) a sophomore at the University of Southern California, majoring in Anthropology. I read...a lot. Basically, aside from working three days a week, it's about all I do. I'm sure when I go back to school this summer, that will change, but I hope not too drastically. I wouldn't call myself a "popular" kid. I've never been one really. We academic types tend to get the short end of that stick, especially here in LA. I do, however, see myself as "in the know." I suppose being analytical, and slightly marginalized, makes that a priority of mine. Rather than being in the crowd, I take advantage of my position to study it. Its strange customs, its trends and its foibles. At least, that's what I'd like to think. 

I very much enjoy cooking, and this blog will no doubt serve as a forum for me to showcase recipes, successes and failures on that front. (If I can figure out how to upload pictures...for a Nerd, I'm not all that tech-savvy.)  I also enjoy style, so I hope to follow the trends, albeit on a much, much smaller scale than say, The Sartorialist, whom I hold in very high regard. 

Music as well, will no doubt take up a sizable portion of my thought process, so I've no doubt that will also make the occasional appearance here.

Well, I suppose that's all for now.
