Monday 29 September 2008

LiveJournal Can Suck It.

God. Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone on LiveJournal is an angry, Vegan, neo-Pagan Lesbian who's still in high school? Jesus Pete. I've had just about enough of that mess. The only real upside to LJ is that I know people on it, so things I say and do are noticed by them. I have approximately one friend on Blogger, and she doesn't know it. Blargh. CSUN is proving to be both easier and more annoying than I anticipated. Easier, inasmuch as I spent three semesters at USC, and what class I did attend was at the very least intellectually stimulating. CSUN classes just...aren't the same. I dunno. My PAS teacher is, in my estimation, the single dumbest Ph.D I have ever had the intense displeasure of meeting. His speech is garbled, mispronounced and downright silly, and it's nearly impossible to read anything he writes. How this man got through graduate school is beyond my ken, but it looks like I shouldn't have a problem. It's a shame, too, because he is such a nice man, and his mama's people are from Colfax, but he is just as dumb as a rock. If you're going to be an African-American Studies teacher, you might want to take some time to learn how to properly pronounce the names of people, countries and tribes about which you are teaching. He's passionate about the subject, but in an Afro-centric way that puts me on edge. Prime Example: On a quiz last week, we had a question regarding words of African origin. The choices were Yam, Goober, Canoe and All of the Above. The answer he wanted was the last one, but I happen to know for an indisputable fact that Canoe is NOT an African word, and comes from the TaĆ­no language, via the Spanish canoa. When I tried to explain this to him, he blustered and told me that I was wrong, and to look at some ethnographic study from the 1920s. 

Ugh. More Later.
